ETH:EGLĀ GenesisĀ Ratio : TotalĀ ETHĀ stakedĀ atĀ Genesis 750,000,000Ā EGLs \text{ETH:EGL Genesis Ratio}: \frac{\text{Total ETH staked at Genesis}}{\text{750,000,000 EGLs}}
ETH:EGLĀ GenesisĀ Ratio : 750,000,000Ā EGLs TotalĀ ETHĀ stakedĀ atĀ Genesis ā Bonus Voting EGL s :
( y 4 ā x 4 ) / ( 81 128 ) ā 1 0 27 ) (y^4-x^4)/(\frac{81}{128}) * 10^{27}) ( y 4 ā x 4 ) / ( 128 81 ā ) ā 1 0 27 ) where,
lastĀ serializedĀ EGLĀ =Ā y = ETH:EGLĀ GenesisĀ Ratio ā cumulativeĀ ETHĀ stakedĀ afterĀ youĀ contribute \text{last serialized EGL = y} = \text{ETH:EGL Genesis Ratio}* \text{cumulative ETH staked after you contribute} lastĀ serializedĀ EGLĀ =Ā y = ETH:EGLĀ GenesisĀ Ratio ā cumulativeĀ ETHĀ stakedĀ afterĀ youĀ contribute firstĀ serializedĀ EGLĀ =Ā x = ETH:EGLĀ GenesisĀ Ratio ā cumulativeĀ ETHĀ stakedĀ beforeĀ youĀ contributed \text{first serialized EGL = x} = \text{ETH:EGL Genesis Ratio} * \text{cumulative ETH staked before you contributed} firstĀ serializedĀ EGLĀ =Ā x = ETH:EGLĀ GenesisĀ Ratio ā cumulativeĀ ETHĀ stakedĀ beforeĀ youĀ contributed BPT Unlock Schedule:
Launch is the date the voting contract is deployed, not the date the Genesis closes.
Bonus Token Unlock : With your individual last BPT token
Voting Rewards : R e w a r d i = 362844.70 ā ( 52 ā i ) Reward_i = 362844.70 * (52 - i) R e w a r d i ā = 362844.70 ā ( 52 ā i ) EGLs
Desired Gas Limit ( desiredEgl
): ā i ( t a r g e t G a s L i m i t i ā w e i g h t i ) ā i w e i g h t i \frac{\sum_i (targetGasLimit_i * weight_i)}{ \sum_i weight_i} ā i ā w e i g h t i ā ā i ā ( t a r g e tG a s L imi t i ā ā w e i g h t i ā ) ā
Miners (Pools)
Max Miner Reward : Remaining EGLs available * 0.0000002 (see Mining Pool Reward for more details)
Creator's Fund
Release Date:
EGls in Circulation (eglsInCirculation)
= M a t c h i n g E G L s + C l a i m e d B o n u s V o t i n g E G l s + C l a i m e d E G L V o i c e s + C l a i m e d M i n e r R e w a r d s + A l l o c a t e d D A O E G L s + U n l o c k e d C r e a t o r R e w a r d s Matching EGLs + Claimed BonusVotingEGls + Claimed EGL Voices + Claimed Miner Rewards + Allocated DAO EGLs + Unlocked Creator Rewards M a t c hin g EG L s + Cl aim e d B o n u s V o t in g EGl s + Cl aim e d EG L V o i ces + Cl aim e d M in er R e w a r d s + A ll oc a t e d D A OEG L s + U n l oc k e d C re a t or R e w a r d s (see Voting Threshold )