Contract Addresses:

  • What happens if the desired gas limit is an "unsafe" number?

  • Who are EGL Signals?

  • Why would miners listen to EGL voters?

  • What happens if miners stop listening to EGL?

  • Why limit the vote to 4M?

  • At what desired gas limit does EGL launch?

  • What's to stop community members from freeloading; i.e. simply benefitting from others' voting without voting themselves?

  • What is the contract address?

  • When does Genesis open and close?

  • What if I want to participate more than once?

  • When do my BPT tokens unlock?

  • When do my Bonus Voting EGLs unlock?

  • What will my EGL unlock date be if my Genesis unlock date is before the unlock date of my vote?

  • Who should vote with EGLs?

  • Don’t know what to vote?

  • Why vote more than 1 million?

  • Can you change your vote?

  • Can I revote and lock up my EGLs for less than the original vote?

  • What happens when we’ve hit my desired gas limit? Can I stop voting and sell my EGLs?

  • Can I delegate my vote?

  • Why do we need EGL?

  • What exactly is the gas limit and why does it matter?

  • Who currently controls the gas limit?

  • What is the current gas limit?

  • Is there a "right" gas limit?

  • Can EGL be used for other things?

  • What happens when ETH 2.0 comes?

  • There are concerns about state size. What does this mean?

  • How does EGL interact with EIP-1559?

  • Which wallets work with egl.vote?

  • Are gas limit and block size directly related?

  • What are mining pools and who comprises them?

  • How does Layer-2 affect EGL?

  • Will the smart contracts be audited?

Last updated