The Voter Reward incentivizes the initial participation in EGL voting in the first year (52 weekly votes). The voter reward is not actively awarded to voters; rather, voters collect it when they call withdraw()
or reVote()
Voter Reward Amount
The Voter Reward is awarded in the first 52 weekly votes (index 0 to 51), and its amounts are calculated using the following formula:
Thus, it gradually reduces from EGLs in the first tally, toEGLs in the 52nd tally.
Voter Share Size
The Voter Reward is shared each week among the EGL voters who actively voted in said week to affect the desiredEgl
. The amount distributed each week is fixed (see below) and the share of each voter depends on the lockupDuration
and eglAmount
she specified in the vote()
or reVote()
The share size for is calculated as:
while EGL reward in week i is calculated:
For example, given the following voters in a week:
locks up 10 EGLs for 1 week (Share1 = 10 Ā· 1 = 10)
locks up 10 EGLs for 2 weeks (Share2 = 10 Ā· 2 = 20)
locks up 20 EGLs for 1 week (Share3 = 20 Ā· 1 = 20)
will be rewarded or 40% of the weekly EGL reward (e.g. Ā· Reward1)
Last updated