Claiming EGLs

Public Functions

If a wallet has participated in Genesis, or has been added as a Signal / Seeder account, they are eligible to claim EGL's. Attempts to claim by any other wallet will result in the function call being reverted and the transaction failing

Bonus Voting EGLs


Allows Genesis supporters to claim their bonus voting EGL's. The bonus voting EGL's are immediately put into a vote upon claiming, so a valid gasTarget and lockupDuration are required when calling this function.

The number of bonus voting EGL's as well as BTP's is calculated when this function is called - see Release Schedule for more information

The releaseDate (date that EGL's are available to withdraw) for Genesis supporters is initially set to 52 weeks from the start of the first vote, although this is updated to the date all BPT's are released, unless the Supporter has chosen to extend their lockup further using reVote()

Function Signature

function claimSupporterEgls(uint _gasTarget, uint8 _lockupDuration) external whenNotPause


Data Type





The gas limit value you are voting for (must be + / - 4,000,000 of the current gas limit)




The number of weeks your vote will be locked up for (valid values are numbers 1 through 8)



Validation Rule


remainingSupporterBalance > 0

The contracts remaining bonus voting EGL balance must be greater than 0

remainingBptBalance > 0

The contracts remaining Balancer pool token balance must be greater than 0

eglGenesis.canContribute() == false && eglGenesis.canWithdraw() == false

EGL Genesis must be closed

supporters[msg.sender].claimed == 0

The claiming address must not have already claimed their tokens

contributionAmount > 0

The claiming address must have contributed in Genesis

Events Emitted

  • VotesTallied (Conditional)

  • SupporterTokensClaimed

  • Vote

Web3 Example:

await eglVotingInstance.claimSupporterEgls(15500000, 4, { from: "0x2be650ba..."})

2. claimSeederEgls()

Allow preconfigured signal / seeder accounts to claim their bonus voting EGL's. The bonus voting EGL's are immediately put into a vote upon claiming, so a valid gasTarget and lockupDuration are required when calling this function.

The releaseDate (date that EGL's are available to withdraw) for signal / seeder accounts is set to 52 weeks from the start of the first vote

Function Signature

function claimSeederEgls(uint _gasTarget, uint8 _lockupDuration) external whenNotPaused


Data Type





The gas limit value you are voting for (must be + / - 4,000,000 of the current gas limit)




The number of weeks your vote will be locked up for (valid values are numbers 1 through 8)





seeders[msg.sender] > 0

The claiming address must be configured as a seeder / signal account

Events Emitted

  • VotesTallied (Conditional)

  • SeedAccountClaimed

  • Vote

Web3 Example:

await eglVotingInstance.claimSeederEgls(15500000, 4, { from: "0x2be650ba..."})

Last updated